
Windows Rating Program

Source: Atlatl
Our program bridges with leading comparison rating vendors and can enhance your comparison rating presence.
Insurance companies are under pressure to enter new markets, reduce time for policy delivery, reduce expenses, and improve customer service and satisfaction. In today's environment, companies must bring to market new products and solutions to get their job done in the most productive and efficient manner.

Our core product is our rating programs. These rating engines can be used for desktop or Internet rating. Our program bridges with leading comparison rating vendors and can enhance your comparison rating presence.

Program Features and Benefits

  • InstallShield setup. Installation is accomplished using the InstallShield setup utility. The installation process automatically adds the program on the Windows "Start" button list of programs, builds icons and folders and includes the "Uninstall" option. It automatically recognizes Windows print and communications drivers and configures our program to these drivers. This eliminates many typical "Help" desk questions arising out of printer and model problems.

  • Agency setup. An agency setup file is included in the program and is a one-time entry by your agent. For new business submissions, you can reliably identify the applicable agency code for your internal use.

  • Scripted entry. Our programs include a logical sequence and natural flow of rating questions through scripted screens. We design with the end user in mind. The use of our program is intuitive. Virtually no training for the use of our program is necessary for your agent.

  • Easy to change inputs. Changes to previously answered questions during the rating process are allowed through "tree navigation". This also shows the point in the program the current input is relative to the remaining questions. The rating questions are grouped in driver, vehicle, and policy categories.

  • On-screen underwriting guide. Our program can provide an on-screen underwriting guide (rating manual) for access by your agents. This provides instant information to your agents and can save the cost of mailing guides and updates to the agent.

  • Quote storage and retrieval. Our program features complete and partial quote and application storage. The user can save the file at any time during the quote process.

  • Ease of maintenance. The program includes rate tables and input screens that can be maintained by you, the insurance company.

  • Print outputs. Print outputs from the program include plain paper proposals, plain paper applications and can include other forms you require (SR-22's, Statement of No Loss, etc.) All of the rating information that is gathered in the program is pre-filled in the application form. Applications are printed in plain paper with premium finance agreements or payment plan schedule.
Point of Sale Capabilities

  • Once and done. The program prices the insurance policy, collects the required application information, assigns a policy number and then prints the completed application, policy dec page, and other required forms in the agents office at the time of sale.

  • Real time underwriting. We include dynamic and comprehensive underwriting edits that effectively transfer the rating and underwriting of the risk from your in-house system to your Internet program.
Key Advantages
  • Path of least resistance. Agents will write more business with your company because our programs make it easier for them to do business with you.

  • Avoid adverse selection. Reduce costly exposure on unwanted risks by real time underwriting at the point of sale.

  • Reduce uprates. With real time underwriting, outside report reconciliation and symbol file filtering you can reduce uprates which will decrease bad debt losses and improve retention of new business.

  • Reduce production and delivery costs. Print and mail costs are reduced.

Atlatl, 3000 Croasdaile Drive, Durham, NC 27705. Tel: 800-768-0907; Fax: 919-384-1475.