Millennium 2000 Risk Management
Aon Risk Services (Holdings) of the Americas (Aon Risk Services), the insurance brokerage arm of Aon Group, Inc., today introduced a millennium risk management service called ARM 2000. ARM 2000 offers clients a detailed program of solutions for the many challenges presented by the millennium date change on January 1, 2000.
The ARM 2000 program was developed by Aon Risk Services in cooperation with Am-Re Managers, Inc. ARM 2000 is a risk transfer program that provides protection to those companies who face possible business interruption losses associated with system failures resulting from the Year 2000 date change. ARM 2000 will be supported by Aon's specialized risk management services. Coverages will be underwritten by Am-Re Managers, Inc., an affiliate of American Re-Insurance Company and a member of the Munich Re Group, the leading reinsurance group in the world.
RM 2000 includes business economic impact analysis, system-wide integration testing; a validation plan on independent, compatible platforms; and standby facilities for clients' contingency needs.
Aon Risk Services: 212- 441-1000.