Guest Column | October 21, 2008

Agent Connectivity: Give Your Reps Tools To Drive More Business

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Contributed Editorial: Agent Connectivity Give Your Reps Tools To Drive More Business

By Allen Gavlak, Optical Image Technology, Inc.

Agents play a critical role in the satisfaction of Insureds, working hard to make efficient, intelligent choices on their clients' behalf. As middlemen in the insurance process, they typically have access to a wide array of carrier choices, and are a driving force in the success of the companies whose products and services they sell. Serving agents efficiently and making their jobs easy and cost-effective is the goal of any carrier who plans to be in business for the long term.

A Web-based enterprise content management (ECM) solution that is integrated with your quoting, underwriting, and claims software lets authorized agents access data securely wherever they are, view it however they desire, and act on it promptly. More importantly, it increases their trust in your company. When your agents are confident that data is accurate, timely, and complete, they can take opportune and appropriate actions on behalf of the people they represent. A list of ten ways ECM can help them to be effective—and ultimately help you increase business—is provided below.

ECM integrated with desktop scanning, online electronic forms, bar code readers, and digital pens coupled with e-forms delivers a giant step forward in efficiency and speed. Agents and their clients can provide data quickly that can be indexed internally for subsequent search, where its value is shared by everyone who needs it. Self-service becomes easier with electronic forms, giving clients ownership over information accuracy and completeness. ECM lets agents work faster and more efficiently wherever they are, at any time.

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Contributed Editorial: Agent Connectivity Give Your Reps Tools To Drive More Business