
Electronic Appraisal Quality System

Source: CCC Information Services Inc.
Pathways Appraisal Quality Solution is a suite of automated reinspection tools designed to improve claims
Pathways Appraisal Quality Solution is a suite of automated reinspection tools designed to improve claims operation productivity and effectiveness. With this software, insurers can electronically audit claims files from most appraisal sources -- including repair facility, staff and independent appraisers -- for quality control. They can also use available historical data to track performance. It provides a means to establish and monitor compliance to standards in reinspection programs, increasing insurers' ability to manage labor rates, cycle times, parts usage and other aspects of the claims process.

This appraisal quality software permits the review of staff and independent appraiser claims, as well as those from repair facilities. The Pathways Quality Advisor Workstation is the heart of this tool and manages the claim reinspection process using PC-based workflow software and communications. When an assignment is sent electronically to the appraisal source, a copy of it is automatically routed to the Workstation. Completed estimates are then sent to the Workstation, and simultaneously an electronic appraisal review is performed on every appraisal. In this audit, every line in an estimate is evaluated against the user's predetermined, market-specific performance standards -- such as approved rates, cycle times, total loss thresholds and discounts that are established during the process review. Finally, the Workstation produces a variety of decision support information, which highlight trends and variances.

CCC Information Services Inc., 444 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654-1005 Phone: (312) CCC-INFO Fax: (626) 914-6514