

Source: EigenSoft, Inc.
The ClaimsAgent™ solutions' complete set of hardware - the infrared printer, digital camera and iPAQ with the software fully loaded - is the only claims adjusting package offered that is pre-installed, and ready for use in the field.
EigenSoft, Inc. shipped ClaimsAgent™ ahead of schedule to first customers. Over thirty experienced professionals in the technology and insurance industries have rigorously tested this wireless claims estimation solution, which runs on the Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC, in two trial periods. The ClaimsAgent™ solutions' complete set of hardware - the infrared printer, digital camera and iPAQ with the software fully loaded - is the only claims adjusting package offered that is pre-installed, and ready for use in the field.

The changes in corporate and economic culture because of the Financial Services Modernization Act, Internet economies and revelations fostered by the understanding of Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Customer Resource Management (CRM) will force the Insurance industry to adopt more efficient and cost effective technologies or face the prospect of loosing market share. Already in other sectors of the economy, companies benefit from increased efficiency and customer satisfaction in all regards. Those testers of the ClaimsAgent™ software have saved significant time spent on each claim in each step of the claims process. Using ClaimsAgent™, field property adjusters can complete detailed estimate reports on-site, print them for the insured to review and then transmit the data in real-time via a secured Internet connection to a back-end claims management processing server. Completing the report at the loss site eliminates the hassle of having to make return trips to the office for directions to other losses, or to upload the data to the desktop. It also provides instant satisfaction for the insured by giving them easy to read and understand copies of the estimate and loss reports, generated with data from the 2001 Craftsman National Renovation and Insurance Repair Estimator. Ensuring the loyalty of the insured will produce a loyal client base and reduce incurring additional costs from redoing estimates.

Embracing the latest technological developments is one way that the insurance industry can improve its customer satisfaction rates while at the same time cutting costs and turn-around time in the loss estimation equation. ClaimsAgent™ can help companies realize these goals, ensuring a strong Return on Investment and healthy momentum into the Internet and Wireless economy.

Click here to read more about ClaimsAgent™.

EigenSoft, Inc. , 2064 Woodbury Avenue, Suite 203 , Portsmouth , NH 03801. Tel: 888-595-8032; Fax: 603-559-9351.