
Business Data Authentication Tool

Source: Experian
AuthoriCheck is an automated business data authentication tool designed to help combat application fraud losses.
Experiank is an automated business data authentication tool designed to help combat application fraud losses. This multiple source cross-check tool determines the accuracy of customer-provided application data and identifies potential fraud.

Suitable for any company that extends credit to other businesses, this rules-based tool is accessible via the Internet, CPU-CPU link or batch processing. The tool utilizes various proprietary internal and external databases to validate business application data, such as applicant/ owner data, addresses, tax identification, social security, telephone numbers, etc.

Additional features include "historical matching," which houses user historical application data for present-day cross-checking purposes. Another feature is "WarningPlus," an Experian-housed, shared database of suspicious business names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. Supplied by various businesses, industries and third party sources, access to "WarningPlus" requires data contribution from participating businesses.

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